Bioenergetic Study
A body oriented approach to healing
About the Study
Learn if this Study is right for you
Bioenergetic therapy was developed in the 1950s and is practiced all around the world. However, its effectiveness, as well as that of other types of body-oriented psychotherapy, has not been researched to date. This study will examine how effective bioenergetic therapy is in reducing symptoms such as anxiety and depression, and increasing a sense of well-being. If you choose to participate you will be adding to the field of psychology by adding knowledge in understanding how somatic psychotherapy, particularly bioenergetic psychotherapy, affects the therapy process and the client's mental health. The research team consists of three faculty members from National University in California, one of whom is a bioenergetic therapist, and a psychologist in private practice who is also a bioenergetic therapist.  (To learn more about our team see our Team page) We are all trained in how to ensure that your information will be confidential. All data will be published as group information so that no one can be identified. Â
If you have any questions please see our Q and A page or contact us and we will answer your questions to the best of your abilities. If you're ready to sign up for the study go to the subscribe page and follow the instructions.
Dr. Parker
Professor and Bioenergetic Therapist
Jan Parker, PhD, CBT received her PhD in Psychology from Alliant International University in San Diego, CA in 1991. She was a clinician in private practice for 34 years and is currently a Professor at National University in California, where she has taught for 23 years. She is also a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist. In that role she serves on the Steering Committee for the North America and New Zealand Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis and on the Board and Executive Committee for the Southern California Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis. Her research interests include Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, Addictions, and psychotherapist training. She is the co-author of numerous journal articles and has presented at conferences all over North America.
Dr. Goldstein
Bioenergetic Therapist
Dr. Robin Goldstein received her PhD specializing in developmental psychology from The Graduate Center, CUNY. Prior to becoming a psychotherapist she was an associate professor and researcher in language development, theory of mind, and cognition and emotional interaction. Dr. Goldstein is a Bioeneregetic therapist in private practice in New York City.
Dr. Shook
Dr. Brenda Shook received her Ph.D. specializing in biological psychology in 1982 from Brandeis University. She then went on as a National Science Research Fellow to complete two years of postdoctoral training in prenatal brain development at the University of California, Davis. She subsequently completed an additional four years of postdoctoral training in postnatal brain development and neurophysiology in the medical school at the University of California, Los Angeles; two years in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science and two years in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. She continued on in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology as a research Anatomist before accepting a position at Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles as Chair of the Department of Psychology and Director of Child Development. Dr. Shook has been with National University’s Department of Psychology for 17 years and administers the BA in Integrative Psychology. She conducts research in adult education, assessment, and therapeutic interventions.
Dr. Tatum
Dr. Charles Tatum received his Ph.D. as a research psychologist in 1973 from the University of New Mexico and took a position at Cornell College as a faculty member and later became Chair of the Psychology Department. He moved to San Diego in 1985 and spent 14 years with the Naval Personnel Research and Development Center before coming to National University as Chair of the Psychology Department. Currently Dr. Tatum administers the MA in Human Behavior program at National University and conducts research in organizational psychology, adult education, accelerated learning, and therapeutic interventions.
"The more alive your body is, the more you are in the world"
Alexander Lowen
Common Questions for Participants
Client Q&A
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If you're interested in the study please complete the form to the right. Please put whether you would be participating as a client or therapist as your subject line.
If you have questions about the study which you need answered to determine your participation please fill our the form to your right with your question. As the subject line please put question.
One of the team members will contact you regarding your question or your participation within 72 hours.